The Bright Horizons Care Advantage Program provides alternative child and adult care options during a lapse or breakdown in normal care arrangements for your children or other family members for whom you have care responsibilities. The back-up care programs are provided free of charge to associates, but have a 15-day annual limit. It is also important to pre-register for this service (can be done at any time) so that you can request care as soon as you need it.

In addition, Additional Family SupportsTM like the Priority Child Care Access Program puts you at the top of the waiting list for full-time and part-time child care at a Bright Horizons center. If you need help with ongoing care, Sittercity helps you find the right caretakers for any situation with their free, online caregiver database. Quickly get connected with nannies, baby sitters, elder care, and pet sitters. The annual membership fee has been covered by Capital One if accessed through this site.

For more information, check out Pulse or contact Bright Horizons at 1-855-789-3852​, or visit